Captain Spectacular

Once, he was the greatest super hero of them all. Now, he prefers to watch Jeopardy and go pantsless as often as possible. Cap is the most content and relaxed of all of Valhalla’s residents. The best part? All of his favorite people now surround him on a daily basis, including his old flame and current fiancee Spy Gal, ex-wife Star Maiden, former sidekick Jerry, and even his arch-nemesis Dr. Rocket. The Captain was once paralyzed, but was healed by the Healer. He no longer needs to even be at Valhalla, but chooses to stay anyway. Something to do with his pants. Currently, the Captain is mourning the loss of his son Tom, whom he mistakenly believes was killed by the Third Man. Powers: great strength, heat vision, invisibilty, a degree of invulnerability, etc. Real Name: Amram Other aliases: Medal, Wilbur Edson

Comics: 408
Recent Appearance: 873 - Against the Wall
First Appearance: 1 - Introducing Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket!

Spy Gal

Sassy, angry and sexy as all get out, Spy Gal is Valhalla’s most reluctant resident. She has found some measure of happiness in the arms of Captain Spectacular, even while she’s always looking for a way to get the power dampener off her left arm and a way out of Valhalla. Currently, Spy Gal is busying herself with wedding preparations as she has recently accepted Captain Spectacular’s marriage proposal. Powers: Can phase her body and through solid matter, super strength Real Name: Vanessa Costa Other aliases: Operative 13, The Seductress of Syria, The Bane of Bangkok, The Ghost Girl of Georgia, The Delilah of Denmark

Comics: 406
Recent Appearance: 884 - No Good at This
First Appearance: 6 - Introducing Spy Gal!


The former sidekick to Captain Spectacular is Valhalla’s most enthusiastic resident. He is friend to everyone and everything, except Swifty and the forces of evil. He has long carried a torch for Spy Gal, but neither she nor Captain Spectacular are aware of that fact. It was recently revealed that Jerry is Dr. Klein is the Third Man. Powers: Can make doors magically appear anywhere. Real Name: Jerry? Other aliases: Dr. Klein, The Third Man

Comics: 280
Recent Appearance: 800 - Earth-Avenge
First Appearance: 2 - Introducing Jerry!

Dr. Rocket

A founding member of the Lodge of Doom and a mad genius, the good doctor sent the shape-shifter Herman in his place to Valhalla to impersonate him. No one knows what the real Dr. Rocket has been doing all these years. All that is for certain is that, as of the time of Herman’s death, Dr. Rocket was residing in Cuba and partying with his good friend Fidel Castro. Now, the real Dr. Rocket is in Valhalla. He has promised to build the Third Man a giant robot for purposes unknown. In exchange, the Third Man agreed to kill Captain Spectacular’s son Tom. Dr. Rocket believes that the Third Man kept his end of the bargain, but in reality he did not. Upon coming back to Valhalla, Dr. Rocket donned the deceased Mr. Crook’s black gloves in tribute to his fallen friend. Power: Heightened Intelligence Real Name: Laban Other aliases: Nomedal, Dr. Nikola T. Rocket

Comics: 269
Recent Appearance: 873 - Against the Wall
First Appearance: 1 - Introducing Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket!


A former speedster forced to use a walker just to make his way across the room, Swifty is the grump of the group. Wise in his own way, Swifty is largely ignored because of his abrasive attitude and behavior. He positively hates Jerry, for mostly unknown reasons. Not-so-secretly, the only person who has been able to elicit any sort of affection from Swifty is Star Maiden. Swifty also suffers from a constant need of sleep, a condition alleviated only by exposure to Space Pig Urine (or S.P.U.), which the Space Pig is reluctant to give up. Also, Swifty’s future self is known to pop up now and again with warnings against future calamities. Powers: Super speed of both body and mind Real Name: Gordon Jones Other aliases: The Quick Quentin of Jessup County

Comics: 265
Recent Appearance: 882 - Says You
First Appearance: 15 - Introducing Swifty!

Star Maiden

Third ex-wife to Captain Spectacular, Star Maiden is Valhalla’s most tragic resident. Once the most noble and powerful superheroine in the galaxy, Star now has trouble remembering which year it is and if she had corn flakes or socks for breakfast. Her only companion is a stuffed, talking bear named “Clovis,” given to her by the recently departed Dr. Rocket, though Swifty is also known to tug at her cape now and again. Powers: Can shoot a blast of cosmic force from her hands, flight, super strength, possibly others Real Name: Elora (last name unknown) Other aliases: Queen Dark Maiden

Comics: 208
Recent Appearance: 882 - Says You
First Appearance: 90 - Introducing Star Maiden!

Soviet Sam

Lodge of Doom” A founding member of the Lodge of Doom, Soviet Sam is an American citizen dedicated to all things Communist. Long Live the Proletariat! Haunted by his part in the death of Money Man, a founding member of the Society of Heroes, Soviet Sam currently resides at Valhalla as one of its more quiet residents. Powers: Super strength, super agility, super jump Real Name: Samuel Reed

Comics: 154
Recent Appearance: 884 - No Good at This
First Appearance: SF Origins: The Society of Heroes, Pg. 10 "The Lodge of Doom"

Space Pig

Vallhalla’s chief Anesthesiologist, the Space Pig, like all space pigs, possesses potent Space Pig Urine (or S.P.U.) that will knock out any living creature for hours upon contact. He uses this gift sparingly.

Comics: 112
Recent Appearance: 873 - Against the Wall
First Appearance: 12 - Introducing Space Pig!


For Tangerine, a good fight, good booze and good women are all he needs in life. He is known for being ruthless with his foes, killing them without a thought that goes any deeper than “him bad.” Tangerine was kicked out of the Society of Heroes for (apparently) nearly killing Dictator Tot. He now resides in Valhalla with the rest of the Fogeys, including one of his best friends, Captain Spectacular. Recently, Tangerine broke Valhalla protocol and killed the shape-shifter Herman, who was disguised as Dr. Rocket at the time, fulfilling the needs of his unique brand of justice. He now resides in Valhalla’s basement dungeon and his bionic hand has been removed. He also having second thoughts about his violent past. Powers: Has bionic enchancements, including a left forearm and hand that can crush a grown man’s skull with ease. Real Name: Mortimer O’Hara Other aliases: Not known at this time

Comics: 111
Recent Appearance: Swifty Origin, Pg. 10 "The Heart"
First Appearance: 148 - The Society of Heroes - Introducing Tangerine!


Captain Spectacular’s fourth wife. Zurida was a genocidal maniac who saw the Captain as her prize and mind-controlled him into marrying her. They spent some months together before the Society of Heroes found them and freed the Captain. Zurida returned years later to exact her revenge on the Captain and turned his fifth wife, Michelle, into a statue.

Comics: 110
Recent Appearance: 872 - Zurida Down
First Appearance: SF Origins: The Six Wives of Captain Spectacular, Pg. 4 "Zurida, Mistress of Worlds"


The secret son of Zudrida, Mistress of Worlds, and Captain Spectacular.

Comics: 88
Recent Appearance: 877 - The Honor is Hers
First Appearance: SF Origins: Spy Gal's Secret Mission, Pg. 4 "Courtesy Call"

Alt. Thrice Evil

Comics: 74
Recent Appearance: 882 - Says You
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon

Money Man

A charter member of the Society of Heroes, the Money Man died during their first mission.

Comics: 73
Recent Appearance: 722 - Help or Mourn?
First Appearance: 86 - WebSpace Page: Jerry

Dr. Klein

The founder and man-in-charge at Valhalla, Dr. Klein is a large and authoritative presence whose chief concern is the welfare of his residents. Secretly, he moonlights as the super villain The Third Man, orchestrator of much of the tragedy that has recently befallen Valhalla. It was also recently revealed that Dr. Klein is also Captain Spectacular’s sidekick, Jerry.

Comics: 70
Recent Appearance: Pg. 15 "Something Missing"
First Appearance: 29 - Introducing Dr. Klein!

Thrice Evil

of the Lodge of Doom, has fallen far in his old age. Barely able to speak, he currently resides at Valhalla where Dr. Klein/The Third Man is able to keep him at bay with a device that keeps his mind and body addled. Powers: In his younger days, Thrice carried a staff that he could use as a weapon to discharge energy at his opponents. Other abilities are unknown at this time. Real Name: Bruce Baxter, Jr. Other aliases: Unknown at this time

Comics: 68
Recent Appearance: 879 - Losing You
First Appearance: 40 - Jumpin' Jujubees!

Atomic Fly

With the power of flying upside down constantly while seeing beyond the mysterious "fourth wall" with his many, many eyes, Atomic Fly has the power of the well-timed quip and the virtue of unfailing loyalty. Just don't ask him about his backstory. It's far too tragic (and possibly not true).

Comics: 63
Recent Appearance: 873 - Against the Wall
First Appearance: 444 - A New Mission


Dr. Rocket’s longtime pet and companion, Harvey has been there through thick and thin. He now resides with Dr. Rocket in Valhalla.

Comics: 62
Recent Appearance: 872 - Zurida Down
First Appearance: 44 - Beginning the Tale of How Captain Spectacular was Paralyzed


The son of Captain Spectacular, Tom is a jetpack addict who has seen his life and relationships with women ruined by his unique problem. He used to visit Captain Spectacular regularly before the Captain entered Valhalla. Tom had most recently entered into a relationship with Dr. Rocket’s adopted daughter, Ms. Missile. He was seemingly killed by the Third Man shortly thereafter, but in reality was brought to a secret dungeon where he is now locked away.

Comics: 62
Recent Appearance: Pg. 15 "Something Missing"
First Appearance: 134 - Driving Everybody Off

Dictator Tot

The Tot of Terror, current prisoner of the super villain prison Hel, loves coloring and world conquering. She came to Valhalla to teach the Fogeys about modern technology, and left after putting a bullet in Jerry’s chest as a fulfillment of The Third Man’s plan.

Comics: 53
Recent Appearance: 868 - The Blame Game
First Appearance: 60 - Introducing Dictator Tot!


Gene is an orderly that delights in making constant fun of the SuperFogeys, with only Swifty gaining any of his respect. He is convinced that Spy Gal is crazy and treats her accordingly. His only true friend is Dictator Tot.

Comics: 41
Recent Appearance: 522 - A Favor for Spy Gal
First Appearance: 11 - The Power Dampener

Michelle Masters

Comics: 41
Recent Appearance: 797 - Squishiness in the War Room
First Appearance: 134 - Driving Everybody Off

Raptor X

Comics: 40
Recent Appearance: 868 - The Blame Game
First Appearance: 444 - A New Mission

Ms. Missile

Comics: 38
Recent Appearance: 877 - The Honor is Hers
First Appearance: 19 - Back From the Colonoscopy


Maiden and the one who genetically engineered her to be a weapon. Like Star Maiden, he is a native of a distant planet known for its ruthless and prejudicial inhabitants. When he saw his daughter was of light skin and now as he designed her, he ordered his wife to throw Star Maiden into a thermal river. Bezuel was also something of a mad scientist on his planet, finding himself at odds with the planet’s champion, Starbrighter. When Bezuel threatened to snuff out his system’s sun, Starbrighter killed him. …or so everyone thought. His brain preserved, Bezuel went on to live a second life as a friend to Starbrighter, and, later, as a confidant to his returning daughter during her tenure as queen of their homeworld.

Comics: 37
Recent Appearance: 562 - Violent Amputation
First Appearance: SF Origins: Star Maiden, Pg. 1 "Troubled Birth"

Mega Matt

Accident prone and possessing no powers whatsoever, Mega Matt is quite possibly the worst superhero ever. His is equally as talented as a rap star. Matt was recently accidentally kidnapped and abandoned in 1955 by a time-travelling Swifty. His whereabouts in the present day–or whether he is alive or dead–are unknown. Son of Tangerine and brother to the Healer and Captain Emo. Real Name: Matthew O’Hara

Comics: 36
Recent Appearance: 743 - Never Inspired Anybody
First Appearance: 80 - WebSpace Page: Mega Matt

General Will

Comics: 36
Recent Appearance: 879 - Losing You
First Appearance: 603 - General Will and the Society of Heroes

Alt. Ms. Missile

Comics: 36
Recent Appearance: 862 - That's It!?
First Appearance: 603 - General Will and the Society of Heroes


The Jorbon Scientist who held Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket captive for years aboard his starship. He also developed “The Process,” the means by which the Captain and the Doctor gained their superpowers and super intelligence, respectively.

Comics: 36
Recent Appearance: 561 - Blind Rage
First Appearance: 186 - The Origin of Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket, Pt. 3 "Going Up"

Star Matron

Comics: 35
Recent Appearance: 876 - Never Be Careful
First Appearance: 614 - The First Lady


A punk with a gift, the Healer can heal anyone of anything (except old age) with the slightest of efforts. Instead of using his gift to better mankind, he instead has parlayed it into a music career and making fun of old people. Son of Tangerine and brother to Mega Matt and Captain Emo. Real Name: Miguel O’Hara

Comics: 35
Recent Appearance: 443 - "Open to Ideas"
First Appearance: 34 - Introducing the Healer!

Third Man

Secretly both Dr. Klein and Jerry in disguise, The Third Man is responsible for much of the machinations behind the scenes at Valhalla, including bringing Spy Gal, Star Maiden and Tangerine to Valhalla; giving Captain Spectacular back the use of his legs; orchestrating Jerry’s shooting; and having Herman the shape-shifter killed and the real Dr. Rocket brought to Valhalla, and the supposed killing of Tom, the son of Captain Spectacular. But to what end?

Comics: 35
Recent Appearance: 530 - Jerry's Greatest Hits
First Appearance: 55 - A Mysterious Figure in the Wings

President Reed

Comics: 34
Recent Appearance: 876 - Never Be Careful
First Appearance: 613 - President Reed

Alt. Swifty

Comics: 31
Recent Appearance: 877 - The Honor is Hers
First Appearance: 604 - Vs.

Captain Spectacular II

A bit of an oaf with a great head of hair, Captain Spectacular II takes the “society” part of being the leader of the Society of Heroes very seriously. Heroing is fine and good, but a great tea and polite company are what he feels are most important in life. It was Captain Spectacular II who, at the suggestion of the Third Man, approached Spy Gal about coming to Valhalla on an undercover assignment. The Third Man and CSII have been known to play XBox Live together now and again.

Comics: 31
Recent Appearance: 759 - The Color of Thrice
First Appearance: 148 - The Society of Heroes - Introducing Tangerine!

Alt. Spy Gal

Comics: 30
Recent Appearance: 879 - Losing You
First Appearance: 603 - General Will and the Society of Heroes

Gina Galloway

A psychologist who used time travel therapies, she whisks away the younger versions of her patients from their timelines in bubbles of light to help them work out their issues. Because Swifty is a speedster, she had a hard time getting a bead on him and mistakenly bounced around an old version of him through time.

Comics: 29
Recent Appearance: 743 - Never Inspired Anybody
First Appearance: 278 - The Others

Alt. Starbrighter

Comics: 28
Recent Appearance: 876 - Never Be Careful
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon


A wizard with many powers, he is a rapper who uses his rhyming skills for complex incantations. It was he who erased the memories of the younger Fogeys after their time travel therapies concluded.

Comics: 26
Recent Appearance: 846 - Oh, He Dead
First Appearance: 278 - The Others

Nurse Carter

The soothing voice of reason at Valhalla, Nurse Carter performs her tasks out of a sense of duty, if not genuine love for the SuperFogeys and their place in history.

Comics: 25
Recent Appearance: 522 - A Favor for Spy Gal
First Appearance: 1 - Introducing Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket!

Alt. Tangerine

Comics: 25
Recent Appearance: 876 - Never Be Careful
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon


Comics: 23
Recent Appearance: 834 - Percy Makes a Choice
First Appearance: Pg.2 "Bio Signature Giveaway"

Captain Emo

With unparalleled power to both empathize and give empathy, Captain Emo has turned his gift into a successful career as an Emo rock star. It’s all in the hair. Son of Tangerine and brother to Mega Matt and the Healer. He recently gave Tangerine many religious materials to study in the hopes that his father can change his violent path. Real Name: Michael O’Hara

Comics: 22
Recent Appearance: 711- Fallen Son
First Appearance: 103 - WebSpace Page: Captain Emo

Pink Shade

This sexy siren is a founding member of the Lodge of Doom. At some point she reformed, but was later killed by Tangerine anyway. She penned the song the Healer and Captain Emo sang at Herman/Dr. Rocket’s funeral. Her (for the times) skimpy outfits made her a rallying symbol for the feminist movement of the 1970′s.

Comics: 22
Recent Appearance: Cover
First Appearance: SF Origins: The Society of Heroes, Pg. 10 "The Lodge of Doom"

Space Pigs

Comics: 20
Recent Appearance: 831 - Rage
First Appearance: Pg. 1 "Listen Now Children..."

Mr. Crook

Mr. Crook was one of the original residents of Valhalla and one of the founders of the Lodge of Doom. The one-time partner to Dr. Rocket died two weeks before Spy Gal came to Valhalla. Dr. Rocket now wears his gloves in tribute.

Comics: 19
Recent Appearance: Pg. 15 "Something Missing"
First Appearance: 94 - Everything Changed

Space Monkeys

Comics: 18
Recent Appearance: 831 - Rage
First Appearance: 400 - Dark Maiden

Alt. Suckface

Comics: 18
Recent Appearance: 877 - The Honor is Hers
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon

Alt. Cape of Wrath

Comics: 17
Recent Appearance: 824 - Knives Out
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon

Carnation Belle

Comics: 17
Recent Appearance: 844 - You Got This, Percy
First Appearance: 444 - A New Mission


Possessor of an exceptional chin, Heroman is a current member of the Society of Heroes and is a fond of crossword puzzles.

Comics: 17
Recent Appearance: 530 - Jerry's Greatest Hits
First Appearance: 148 - The Society of Heroes - Introducing Tangerine!


Not much is known about Ninjalina, except that she is a ninja, member of the Society of Heroes and a onetime bridesmaid. Also fair to say: good friend of Star Maiden’s.

Comics: 17
Recent Appearance: 443 - "Open to Ideas"
First Appearance: 98 - The Wedding of Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden


Comics: 16
Recent Appearance: 827 - Lay Her Down
First Appearance: Pg. 1 "Ozzy Osbourne"

Howard Jones

Swifty’s father and, for a time, the disembodied spirit head that hung around Swifty to remind him of his true purpose and the “Prophecy.”

Comics: 16
Recent Appearance: Cover
First Appearance: SF Origins: Swifty and the Prophecy, Pg. 1 "Nice Moves"

Black Rain

Black Rain is a current member of the Society of Heroes.

Comics: 16
Recent Appearance: 443 - "Open to Ideas"
First Appearance: 148 - The Society of Heroes - Introducing Tangerine!


A Voodoo Wizard who, along with his wife, Monica, took Spy Gal in at 16-years-old and taught her all about bank-robbing. After Spy Gal was shot on the job, it was Manny who brought her back to life with new superpowers. Soon thereafter, Manny and Spy Gal embarked on an affair. Monica eventually discovered the pair and divorced Manny, freeing him up to marry Spy Gal and become her first husband. Eventually, the FBI caught up to Manny and Spy Gal and executed him in a hail of bullets.

Comics: 16
Recent Appearance: Pg. 8 "The Captor Revealed"
First Appearance: 271 - Is Spy Gal Not a Good Woman?

Bingo Knight

As Spy Gal says, “…there’s a superhero for everything these days.” A settler of “bingular disputes,” the good sir knight can instantly teleport to wherever there is a Bingo game in question.

Comics: 15
Recent Appearance: 379 - A True Hero
First Appearance: 47 - Bingo Knight!

Venusian Evilhunter

Venusian Evilhunter is a current member of the Society of Heroes.

Comics: 14
Recent Appearance: 443 - "Open to Ideas"
First Appearance: 148 - The Society of Heroes - Introducing Tangerine!

Alt. Jimmy-Go-Dead

Comics: 13
Recent Appearance: 823 - Beating The Enemy Back
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon


Comics: 13
Recent Appearance: 735 - The MSNBC-FOX News Coalition
First Appearance: 536 - Zurida and Her Subjects


Comics: 12
Recent Appearance: 683 - What Makes Peace Worthless
First Appearance: 397 - Memories of Neon Streets and Giant Menaces

Alt. Master Masticate

Comics: 11
Recent Appearance: 823 - Beating The Enemy Back
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon


Comics: 11
Recent Appearance: 844 - You Got This, Percy
First Appearance: 570 - Cavalry

Cape of Wrath

Comics: 11
Recent Appearance: Pg. 9 "Always"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Spy Gal, Pg. 1 "Bored"

Crimson Spelunker

Comics: 10
Recent Appearance: 825 - Yummy Yummy in His Tummy
First Appearance: 444 - A New Mission

El Mago Extrano

Comics: 10
Recent Appearance: 682 - Milk and Cookies
First Appearance: 444 - A New Mission

General Makus

Comics: 10
Recent Appearance: 492 - Such Great Heights
First Appearance: 321 - Unified By a Common Purpose

Terrible Leslie

Comics: 9
Recent Appearance: 844 - You Got This, Percy
First Appearance: 570 - Cavalry


Comics: 9
Recent Appearance: 851 - Numbers Game
First Appearance: 565 - Suckface


Cami is the granddaughter of Spy Gal and cute as a button. She is also a special needs child, unable to walk on her own or talk. However, she can make grabs for butterflies.

Comics: 9
Recent Appearance: SF Origins: Operation: Valhalla, No. 5 "A Spot of Drool"
First Appearance: 215 - Little Snot


The put-upon, slightly impatient mother of Cami, Sylvia is the daughter with whom Spy Gal was living before coming to Valhalla.

Comics: 9
Recent Appearance: Pg. 9 "Always"
First Appearance: 216 - Cami

Violent Violet

Comics: 9
Recent Appearance: 868 - The Blame Game
First Appearance: 570 - Cavalry

General Grandstand

Comics: 9
Recent Appearance: 772 - Showdown at the New California Coast
First Appearance: 445 - I Don't Know What I've Been Told

Jimmy Go Dead

A founding member of the Lodge of Doom, Jimmy loves being bad, but he loves a good malt and a girl in a tight sweater even more.

Comics: 8
Recent Appearance: Pg. 7 "Nipped"
First Appearance: SF Origins: The Society of Heroes, Pg. 10 "The Lodge of Doom"

Death M.D.

A happy fellow, Death, M.D. is very concerned with his patients’ health. Which, in his case, means he’s very excited to see them get sick and die.

Comics: 8
Recent Appearance: 724 - Requiem for Tangerine
First Appearance: 178 - Death, M.D.

Duchess of Keno

Wife to Bingo Knight and mother to Baby Plinko. Possibly Bob Barker’s niece.

Comics: 8
Recent Appearance: 379 - A True Hero
First Appearance: 79 - WebSpace Page: Bingo Knight and The Duchess of Keno

Swamp Magistrate

Comics: 8
Recent Appearance: 772 - Showdown at the New California Coast
First Appearance: 446 - General Spy Gal

Alt. Captain Spectacular II

Comics: 8
Recent Appearance: 656 - Justifiably Murdered
First Appearance: 603 - General Will and the Society of Heroes


shape-shifter used by Dr. Rocket on more than one occasion (including a stint impersonating Captain Spectacular back in the Seventies), it was Herman disguised as Dr. Rocket that was one of Valhalla’s first residents. Thanks to a microchip in his head, Herman was able to think, feel and act just like the real Dr. Rocket. Things got complicated for Herman when Jerry hit him on the head during Bingo Night and damaged the chip, thus causing a slow intermingling of the Herman and Dr. Rocket personas. Herman began doing less evil and more good deeds and his natural stuttering habit began to come forward. Herman was finally killed when Tangerine came to Valhalla and dispatched him for his villainy. After his death, it was determined by Death, Esq. that Herman belonged in Heaven. Herman resides there now.

Comics: 7
Recent Appearance: 319 - The Plans of Dr. Klein, Pt. 2 "Isn't Everybody?"
First Appearance: 202 - He Started Stuttering


A busybody at heart, the Warden of Hel, the super villain prison, was reluctant to let Dictator Tot come to Valhalla in the first place. He relented thanks to Dr. Klein’s persuasive powers.

Comics: 7
Recent Appearance: Pg. 2, "Devil Horned Goodbye"
First Appearance: 60 - Introducing Dictator Tot!


Comics: 7
Recent Appearance: 633 - A Different Destiny
First Appearance: 194 - The Origin of Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket, Pt. 11 "Helpful Suggestions"


Comics: 7
Recent Appearance: Pg. 8 "Future Imperfect"
First Appearance: Pg. 1 "Who You Callin' Cow?"

Li'l Shorty

Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 813 - Villains Landing
First Appearance: 570 - Cavalry

Killer Limeys

Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 701 - Man Down
First Appearance: 445 - I Don't Know What I've Been Told

Alt. Mommy

Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 644 - tickticktickticktick...
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon

Force Majeure

Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 644 - tickticktickticktick...
First Appearance: 603 - General Will and the Society of Heroes

Raptor XII

Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 644 - tickticktickticktick...
First Appearance: 603 - General Will and the Society of Heroes


Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 633 - A Different Destiny
First Appearance: 194 - The Origin of Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket, Pt. 11 "Helpful Suggestions"


Comics: 6
Recent Appearance: 418 - President Superknocker Addresses The Nation
First Appearance: 321 - Unified By a Common Purpose


Ostensibly a hero on his own ruthless world, Starbrighter is, by any conventional understanding, a villain. He and Star Maiden’s father, Bezuel, battled for years as antagonists before Starbrighter killed Bezuel in full view of Star Maiden. At the time, Starbrighter was serving as Star Maiden’s mentor. But, he was a cruel taskmaster and it was his harsh assessment of Star that caused her to flee to Earth. Years later, Starbrighter was killed by Star Maiden after he administered a serum to her that altered her brain and turned her towards evil.

Comics: 5
Recent Appearance: 261 - What Happened to Star Maiden, Pt. 3 "Feeling Refreshed"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Star Maiden, Pg. 2 "Into The Night"

Ms. Missle

The adopted daughter of Dr. Rocket, Ms. Missile was also his protege. She is all grown up now. Formerly “Li’l Miss Missile.” Ms. Missile most recently struck up a romance with Tom, the son of Captain Spectacular. Now that she believes him to be dead at the hands of the Third Man, she is in mourning.

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: 834 - Percy Makes a Choice
First Appearance: 825 - Yummy Yummy in His Tummy

Martha Jones

Swifty’s mother. Married to his father, Howard.

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: Pg. 5 "Promise"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Baby Swifty's First Words, Pg. 2 "Preposterous"

Papa Costa

A Southern Plantation owner, Spy Gal’s father taught her all about keeping her body sacred, like a temple. This just made her bored.

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: Pg. 3 "Naughty Girl"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Spy Gal, Pg. 1 "Bored"

Lumbering Jack

The Woolly Woodsman is the man responsible for felling the tree that rendered Captain Spectacular, Dr. Rocket and Jerry paralyzed. Because he’s stupid.

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: Pg. 12 "Comic Book Clothing Physics"
First Appearance: 45 - The Tale of How Captain Spectacular was Paralyzed, Conclusion

Concubine Cannibals

Concubine Cannibals, under the direction of their leader, Master Masticate, wreaked havoc and misery upon the good people of Africa. It was they who, in 1961, devoured the Peace Corps team that Tangerine was a part of. They then turned their attentions on Tangerine, eating most of his left arm and his entire nose. Tangerine later killed all of them in fit of vengeful rage. Too bad. They were super hot.

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: SF Origins: Tangerine, Pg. 4 "Justice"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Tangerine, Pg. 1 "A Chance to Think"

Master Masticate

It was Master Masticate who ordered the Concubine Cannibals to eat Tangerine’s entire Peace Corps team as a retaliation against “American Imperialism.” Tangerine was saved for last, but the Cannibals were only able to eat his left arm and nose before being stopped by the Society of Heroes. Tangerine later killed Master Masticate in a fit of vengeful rage.

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: Pg. 7 "Passion Enough to Change a Heart"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Tangerine, Pg. 2 "Master Masticate and the Concubine Cannibals"

Alt. Dr. Rocket

Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: 648 - Ready Air Force One
First Appearance: 636 - Rotten Little Saplings


Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: 627 - Splintered
First Appearance: 622 - Portalmaker


Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: Pg. 11 "Fly Away"
First Appearance: Pg. 9 "Always"


Comics: 4
Recent Appearance: 171 - Hello, Karma
First Appearance: 149 - Santa Rocket


Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: 810 - Meanwhile, In Las Vegas
First Appearance: 570 - Cavalry

Death, ESQ.

Sympathetic and professional, Death, Esq. is always there when a person’s afterlife status is in question.

Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: 721 - Requiem for Money Man
First Appearance: SF Origins: Herman's Story, Pg. 1 "Heaven or Hell?"

Fidel Castro

The longtime communist dictator of Cuba (now retired) provided safe haven for Dr. Rocket during his time in self-imposed exile. Fidel is known for his love of the ladies and perfectly seasoned orphans. Rumor has it his secret ingredient is mango.

Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: 480 - A Bevy of Buxom Beach Beauties
First Appearance: 200 - Where is He!?

Sun Demon

Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: Pg. 14 "Fire and Light and Rain"
First Appearance: Pg. 1 "My Name is Gordon Jones"

Alt. Zurida

Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: 648 - Ready Air Force One
First Appearance: 636 - Rotten Little Saplings

Alt. Harvey

Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: 626 - Battle at the Beginning of Time
First Appearance: 600 - Earth-Avalon


Comics: 3
Recent Appearance: SF Origins: The Thrice Evil, Pg. 9 "We Can Work With That"
First Appearance: SF Origins: The Thrice Evil, Pg. 4 "Mommy?"

Aunt Harriet

leaving the orphanage to become Captain Spectacular’s sidekick. It was she that taught him right from wrong and benefited most from the fame and fortune Jerry gained as a superhero. She died in the late 1960′s.

Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: Pg. 3 "Lucky"
First Appearance: Pg. 2 "The Boy Who Lived"


The mother of Star Maiden. She was a co-conspirator with her husband Bezuel is designing their daughter to be a perfect weapon. When Star Maiden was born with an altered appearance and Bezuel ordered her killed, Niada found love in her heart and ran away with her daughter to raise her on her own. Niada died at some point during Star Maiden’s childhood.

Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: SF Origins: Star Maiden, Pg. 2 "Into The Night"
First Appearance: SF Origins: Star Maiden, Pg. 1 "Troubled Birth"

Ms. Carter

Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: 648 - Ready Air Force One
First Appearance: 647 - Ms. Carter Sings the Blues


Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: 626 - Battle at the Beginning of Time
First Appearance: The Principle of Order

Unicef Upstarts

Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: Pg. 10 "Mother and Child Reunion"
First Appearance: Pg. 9 "The Unicef Upstarts"


Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: Pg. 1 "The Usher"
First Appearance: Pg. 10 "Lost Faith"

Baby Plinko

Comics: 2
Recent Appearance: 182 - Someone Steps Forward (Bubbles of Light 3)
First Appearance: 79 - WebSpace Page: Bingo Knight and The Duchess of Keno

Space Monkey

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: 841 - Better Than Strained Peas

Betty Hofstadt

Captain Spectacular’s second wife and his biggest fan…right up until she left him for another man.

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: SF Origins: The Six Wives of Captain Spectacular, Pg. 2 "Homewreckers"

Lynnette Yoshida

Captain Spectacular’s sixth wife. She was also his physical therapist. She died of cancer shortly before the Captain came to Valhalla

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: SF Origins: The Six Wives of Captain Spectacular, Pg. 9 "Mature Love"

Samantha Roberts

Captain Spectacular’s first wife. A movie starlet who truly loved the Captain, though he did not return the affection. She was instead loved by Dr. Rocket, who accidentally killed her when she fell into one of the traps the Doctor had laid for the Captain.

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: SF Origins: The Six Wives of Captain Spectacular, Pg. 1 "Sweet Samantha"

Captain Supermarket

Seeing the mediocrity of pop culture as the one, true evil in the world, Captain Supermarket has dedicated himself to fight the good fight by any means or message board necessary.

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: 78 - WebSpace Page: Captain Supermarket


Comics: 1
Only Appearance: Pg. 6 "Date or Fight?"


Comics: 1
Only Appearance: Pg. 6 "Date or Fight?"

Alt. Atomic Fly

Hailing from Earth-Avalon, he is in every way identical to his Earth-Abaddon counterpart.

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: 644 - tickticktickticktick...

Long Arm of the Universe

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: 530 - The Long Arm of the Universe

Alt. Michelle Masters

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: 625 - The Edict of Chaos

Dame Dangerous

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: Pg. 1 "Ozzy Osbourne"

Senor Cockfight

Comics: 1
Only Appearance: Pg. 1 "Ozzy Osbourne"