Wanna get a signed copy of the out-of-print SuperFogeys Vol. 1? Keep reading.

SuperFan and Podcaster Extraordinaire Kurtis Sasso (TGT Media) is branching out to work on his first film–a documentary entitled Little Person Among Media Giants. Kurt is one of the good ones, so you best pay attention. From his summary:

This documentary follows an independent interviewer struggling to survive in this mass media world, working hard to not only find his place in the world, but to be recognized as well.

To do this he needs to get one great interview. The journey evolves by the not only personal stories being told, but also through other interviewees on their own successes and failures and how they are attempting to make a name for themselves.

Kurt can’t make this film without your help. To fund his movie he’s started an IndieGoGo campaign filled with all kinds of great rewards for those who contribute. Among them is a signed copy of the out-of-print SuperFogeys Vol. 1! Some of you have been asking me lately about how you can get SF in print, and right now this is the ONLY way. For $40, you’ll not only get the signed book but a DVD of the completed film and your name in the credits.

Sound like a good deal to you? Head on over to the campaign page to find out more.

Written by : Brock Heasley

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One Comment

  1. DadaHyena June 13, 2013 at 2:37 pm - Reply

    Kurtis’ documentary is going to be fantastic, and webcartoonists (and our readers) are going to love it. Show some support and make it happen!

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