Fan Art week kicks off with this FIRST Zurida fan art by Roland Perez! He really captured her design wonderfully. Thanks, Roland!

I’ve heard whispers of more fan art coming my way. I can guarantee at least one piece from me–a design for a brand new villain you’ll be seeing in the strip soon (okay, that’s not technically fan art, but still…) If you would like to submit to Fan Art, please send along what you got to me at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com.

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. […] don’t forget to check out the Fan Art of Zurida I did for SuperFogeys. You can check it out here! Share|Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditGoogle +1 └ Tags: Brad, double cross, mystery […]

  2. Doni February 20, 2015 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    Idk..I kind of like them. Usually they’re kind of big because I like when a guy sucks on my neck rlaely hard (fetish XD) and sometimes it’s like a reminder. And I don’t mind people knowing cuz everyone does it. It’s my mom who I don’t want bugging me about it. =_= Nice comic ♥

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