Big update to the SuperFogeys Sourcebook and Adventure Game Kickstarter over the weekend–now I can show you the first miniatures. Check it out, Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket:

How great are those sculpts! Big kudos to sculptor Gene Van Horne for capturing ALL the detail of what up until now was just drawings on a screen. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to see these guys come to life. With Harvey! As of this writing, we just cleared 50% of the initial goal, so we’re well on our way to achieving some of the stretch goals. Spy Gal is the next figure up–but only if we can hit our next goal. After that? Well, we’ll do everybody if we can. It’s all up to you.

Some new reward levels were also added over the weekend. Want just the two initial figures and a pdf version of the book? Then you can be an Eco Hero for just $15 bucks. Want to get everything available so far and create a hero or villain with me who can be not only in the book, but is guaranteed to show up in at least two strips? Then you might want to consider the Interstellar Hero and Unrivaled Villain levels.

Also, by the time you read this there should be some NEW reward levels up that will nab you sketch cards and inked drawings by yours truly. Since I’m not exactly drawing SF anymore these days, this art will be very rare indeed. UPDATE – They’re there now! 

Again, rewards are EXTREMELY limited. We’ve already sold out of a few of them! Act fast, if you can.

Much more to come. Keep your eye and on the SuperFogeys Kickstarter and leave a comment to make requests. Big thanks to everyone who has contributed so far!

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. Chris Watkins November 5, 2012 at 12:38 pm - Reply

    These look awesome!

    • Brock Heasley November 5, 2012 at 3:23 pm - Reply

      I’m blown away by them, seriously. Thanks, Chris!

  2. […] weekend–including your first look at the miniatures for Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket! Here’s my blog with all the details. └ Tags: dr. rocket, freedom, harvey, percy, sunway, […]

  3. DorthLous November 9, 2012 at 8:18 am - Reply

    Okay, maybe a hint of what’s happening. I’m a Kickstarter regular, often paying hundreds of dollars on some projects. And I can tell you right now one thing that is, in my opinion, very faulty with this kickstarter. The video. No face to identify with, a cheesy music, a name that won’t remind *most* people of anything, no details on the project. If you lose people on the video, you often lose them altogether. I strongly advise you look into that 😉

    • Brock Heasley November 9, 2012 at 11:54 am - Reply

      Hey Dorth, I really appreciate the insight. I’ve already passed it along to the brain trust and we’re taking it very seriously. Hope to have something new up soon. Thank you!

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