A little known fact about the time-lost Mega Matt (son of Tangerine, irritation of many) is that he’s based on a real person. Matthew Pontoriero, cousin of Th3rd World Publisher (and sometimes SF character himself) Michael DeVito. Mike described Matthew to me and told me he sometimes used the alias Mega Matt and the rest is history.

Then I told Mega Matt’s origin. Or rather, he told it. 

Cribbing the rhythms and melody from the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Because, y’know, that’s what Mega Matt would do.

Then the real-life Mega Matt recorded it.

I’m not kidding.

So, here he is. Mega Matt performing the Mega Matt rap:

The Complete Mega Matt Rap

Yes, that happened and it was awesome. Thanks, Matthew!

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. tmcelmurry September 5, 2012 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    That’s Awesome!! Way to go Matt!! Great job. This really needs to be put together in a YouTube video with the clips from the comic coming up as he sings along. AWESOME way to end the day, thanks Matt for laying down some dope rhymes and thank you Brock for sharing it with us all.

  2. Tyler Heasley September 5, 2012 at 7:17 pm - Reply

    Matt really is mega! Now we have proof.

  3. SuperFogeys - Pg. 5 “Who Squished?” September 7, 2012 at 12:02 am - Reply

    […] most unexpected performer–the real life Mega Matt himself! (Yes, Mega Matt is a real person.) Check it out for yourself right here. └ Tags: babies, captain spectacular, diaper, jerry, smelly, spy gal, star maiden, […]

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